
The Sims 2 is a strategic life simulation game from publisher Electronic Arts that released in 2004 for Windows PC. It was later ported to other platforms, including Mac OS X, PlayStation 2, and Xbox. Like other entries in the series, you'll manage the daily lives and relationships of characters in a digital neighborhood. If you're looking for some help, here's a list of handy cheat codes that can give you more cash, move objects, and more.


Elven*Nicky / CC BY 2.0 / Flickr 

This guide is specifically for the PC version of The Sims 2.

The Sims 2 PC Cheat Codes

To use these cheat codes, press CTRL+SHIFT+C to activate the game console, then type the cheat code at the prompt.


The Sims 2 PC cheats listed here are case sensitive.

Cheat Code Effect
Motherlode Get 50,000 simoleons.
help List all cheats in the game.
help [cheat name] Display information about the specified cheat.
exit Close the cheat window.
expand Expand or contract the cheat window.
moveObjects on Move objects that are normally immovable.
moveObjects off Turn object movement off.
aging -on Turn sims aging on.
aging -off Turn sims aging off.
autoPatch -on Enable auto updating.
autoPatch -off Disable auto updating.
slowMotion # Set the game speed between 0-8. (0 is the default)
boolProp enablePostProcessing true Turn post-processing on.
boolProp enablePostProcessing false Turn post-processing off.
bloom rgb # Enable a sitcom flashback blur effect during movies.
vignette # # # Blur the edges of the screen during movies.
filmGrain # Apply a film grain effect to movies (# = 0.0 to 1.0).
letterBox # Add a letterbox effect to movies (# = 0.0 to 0.4).
deleteAllCharacters Remove every sim from the neighborhood.
TerrainType desert/temperate Toggle between the two terrain types.
StretchSkeleton Make your sims larger or smaller.
unlockcareerrewards Unlock all career rewards.
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