Postal 2 is a first-person shooter with a dark sense of humor. Like most PC games, Postal 2 has cheat codes that unlock extra weapons, invincibility, and other secrets.
These cheats work in all versions of Postal 2 for Windows, Mac, and Linux operating systems.
Postal 2 Cheat Codes
To activate cheats, press the tilde key (~) or the @ key to display the cheat console, then type sissy.
You can then enter the following codes in the console.
Effect | Cheat Code |
God mode (invincibility) | alamode |
All weapons | packnheat |
Extra ammunition for current weapons | payload |
All weapons, maximum ammunition, and invincibility | iamsolame |
Extra doughnuts | piggytreats |
Extra money | jewsforjesus |
Extra dog treats | boyandhisdog |
Extra catnip | iamtheone |
Extra cats for silencers | lotsapussy |
Extra health pipes | jones |
All radar items | swimwithfishes |
Rocket cameras | fireinyourhole |
Body armor | blockmyass |
Gimp suit | smackdatass |
Police uniform | iamthelaw |
Full health and four medkits | healthful |
NPCs become Gary Coleman | whatchutalkinbout |
NPCs become fanatics | osama |
Guns that use cat silencers shoot cats | rockincats |
Disable cat shooting guns | dokkincats |
No clipping (walk through walls) | ifeelfree |
Flight mode | likeabirdy |
Disable flight and no clipping | walk |
Slow motion | slomo |
Disable slow motion | slomo 1 |
Set errand complete/turn on hate player groups | SetThisErrandComplete(errand name) |
Set all of indicated day's errands complete/turn on hate player groups | SetThisDaysErrandsComplete(day number) |
Set all of the current day's errands as complete/turn on hate player groups | SetTodaysErrandsComplete() |
Reset all errands/ turn off hate groups | SetAllErrandsUnComplete() |
Set all errands complete | SetAllErrandsComplete() |
Set/reload the day | WarpToDay(day number) |
Select level | Goto(level name) |
Change player to opposite morality | ChangeDude() |
Reset police and wanted status | ResetCops() |
Play demo indefinitely | set gamestate demotime 9999 |
Stop all non-player animations | playersonly |
Scissors machine gun | nowwedance |
One shot kills | headshots |
Ricocheting cat bullets | boppincats |
Disable ricocheting cats | splodincats |
Switch to third-person view | behindview 1 |
Switch back to first-person view | behindview 0 |
Cheats do not work while playing online.