Cheat Codes
While playing the game, press ~ to display the console window. Then, type one of the following codes and press [Enter] to activate the corresponding cheat function:
Result | Cheat Code |
Display list of all commands | help |
10 million manpower | manpower |
999 politcal power | pp |
999 military experience | xp |
All research complete | research all |
Click on a technology to research | research_on_icon_click |
Instant construction (also affects AI players) | instantconstruction or ic |
Remove fog of war | fow |
Start civil war in desired country [Note] | civilwar [ideology] [country tag] |
Give 100% warscore | winwars |
Allow usage of all diplomatic actions | adiplo or allowdiplo |
Add latest equipment | ale [amount] |
Add specific equipment | ae [amount] [name] |
Add chosen equipment | add_equipment [amount] [equipment name] |
Add 5,000 of the latest equipment in every category | add_latest_equipment 5000 |
Nuke any province without specific conditions | debug_nuking |
AI accepts everthing you send them | ai_accept |
Activate teleporting | tp |
Execute an event | event [event id] |
White peace between specific countries | whitepeace [tag] [tag] |
Change playable nation | tag [country tag] |
Note: Some examples are "civilwar fascism POL" for the fascists to start a civil war in Poland, "civilwar democratic ITA" for the democrats to start a civil war in Italy, and "civilwar communism AST" for the communists to start a civil war in Australia.
Equipment names
Use one of the following names with the "add_equipment [amount] [equipment name]" code:
Support EquipmentModern TankInfantry Equipment IIIMotorizedMechanizedLight Tank IIMedium TankGrosstraktorSuper Heavy TankMarineMountainTowed Anti-TankTowed Anti-AirTowed ArtilleryRocket ArtilleryFighter IClose Air Support IHeavy FighterTactical Bomber IStrategic Bomber I