
Warcraft 3 Cheats

Warcraft 3

Welcome to our Warcraft 3 Cheats List for PC, players can unlock infinite amounts of gold/lumber and even gain unit Invincibility also known as God Mode. There is other various fun to use cheats for WC3 such as WarpTen which builds fast or if you are lazy you can Instant Victory with a Cheat Code. Below we explain how to use each cheat and what it will do in game when you decide to activate it.

(Keep in mind these cheats will work for the original Frozen Throne and Reign of Choas Versions of the game as well as the Reforged Edition.)

Warcraft 3 Reforged Cheat Codes

It’s important to note that these Warcraft 3 Reforged Cheat Codes will only work Offline, this means you can use them in SinglePlayer Campaign and Offline Custom Maps. You CANNOT use them Online when connected and playing on the Battle NET.

To activate a Warcraft 3 Cheat Code you will need to do the following:

  • Press the ENTER key during gameplay.
  • A chat window will appear and you will need to type in the Cheat listed below.
  • Press ENTER again after you have typed out the Cheat to activate it.
  • If you have correctly typed it in you will receive a message saying “Cheat Code Enabled“.

(The Cheats Codes below are highlighted with BOLD – separated by a hyphen to explain what it does.)

The Best Warcraft 3 Cheats

These are the most used and powerful cheat codes that players tend to use while playing offline. Below this, you can view the Full List of Cheat Codes for Warcraft 3 Reforged.

  • GreedIsGood [Amount] – This is the Money Cheat for Gold and Lumber. If typed in plain without the amount it will default to giving you 500 Gold and Lumber.
  • ISeeDeadPeople – Reveals the entire map allowing you to see what everyone is doing.
  • WhosYourDaddy – WC3 God Mode Cheat, all buildings, heroes, and units receive Invincibility. Your Units also One Hit Kill enemy targets.
  • WarpTen – Dramatically increases the speed in which you construct Buildings and Units.
  • Synergy – Diables Tech Tree Requirements, this means you can build any structure for that Race.
  • PointBreak – Removes the Food Limit.
  • AllYourBaseAreBelongToUs – Instantly Wins the game.

The Warcraft 3 Cheats using [Amount] allow players to select specific amounts. (For Example, you would type in GreedIsGood [8000]. This will provide you with 8,000 Gold and Wood.)


The Warcraft 3 Cheats using [Amount] allow players to select specific amounts. (For Example, you would type in GreedIsGood [8000]. This will provide you with 8,000 Gold and Wood.)

Cheat Code

What You Get


Instantly Wins Game


Receive 500 Gold and Wood.


Reveals the entire map (Removes Fog of War)


Instantly Loses Game


Infinite Mana


Invincibility (GOD MODE Cheat)Unit One-Hit Kill

Motherland [Race] [Level]

Level Select


Keep playing after losing in campaign mode

GreedIsGood [Amount]

Receive a specific amount of Gold and Wood

KeyserSoze [Amount]

Receive a specific amount of Gold only

LeafItToMe [Amount]

Receive a specific amount of Wood only


Fast death and decay


Removes the Food Limit


Fast Research


Unlock All Upgrades


Disable tech tree requirements (You can Build anything at the Start)


Sets In-Game Time to Morning


Sets In-Game Time to Evening

DayLightSavings [Time]

Sets a Specific In-Game Time


Disable Victory Condition


Faster Spell Cooldowns


Switches from Daytime to Nighttime


Speeds up the time it takes to make Buildings and Units


Plays a special song(ONLY works with Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne.)

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