


처음이 되는 이번 콜라보레이션에서는, 100년 이상의 전통을 자랑하는 「Kodak」를 상징하는 디자인 요소에, <CASE-MATE>만이 가능한 기능성을 겸비한 최신 제품의 여러가지 등장. 마지막으로 발매가 된 방금의 iPhone 11 시리즈와 전작 시리즈의 iPhone X 의 스마트 폰 케이스를 비롯해, Airpods 케이스, 그리고 Apple Watch의 스트랩으로 이루어진 그 라인 업은, 레드/옐로우를 필두로, 블랙, 화이트라고 하는 칼라링을 채용해 아이코닉한 「Kodak」의 로고나 멀티 컬러의 스트라이프가 디테일로서 베풀어져, 마치 「Kodak」의 클래식 카메라를 방불케 하는 독특한 마무리가 되고 있다.





Search: 10 results found for "kodak"

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iPhone 12 / iPhone 12 ProKodak

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iPhone 12 Pro MaxKodak

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iPhone 11 ProDuo KODAK x LuMee

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iPhone 11Kodak

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iPhone 11 ProKodak

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iPhone 12 miniKodak

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iPhone 11 Pro MaxKODAK Clear Case with Logo

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Phone PouchKodak Waterproof Pouch

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iPhone 11 Pro Max / iPhone 11 ProKodak Lens Protector

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iPhone 12 Pro MaxKODAK (Kodachrome Super 8)

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Apple Watch 38-41mmKodak Watch Band

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AirPods CaseKodak

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iPhone 11 Pro MaxKODAK Black Logo

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iPhone XRKodak

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iPhone 8 Plus / iPhone 7 Plus / iPhone 6S PlusKodak

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iPhone 11 Pro MaxKODAK Vintage Yellow

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iPhone 11 ProKodak Screen Protector (Two Pack)

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Apple Watch 42-45mmKodak Watch Band

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iPhone Xs MaxKodak




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