Alright so. Guess a lot more people than myself were frustrated by Supreme's new shipping methods, especially when items under 1 order didn't come in together in one box/package that Supreme gave you the tracking for. For example, I heard from a friend who received 4 boxes for 1 order and only got 1 tracking number from Supreme.
Another great fuckery act from Supreme, yet we are willing to live with it, is how to find out the REST of your tracking numbers. This is helpful to me, especially because I ship to my brothers house in the States as I am currently working in overseas.
NOTE: this does not work on mobile, works only on PC site
Step 1. Go to the UPS Tracking
Step 2. Click on "Track by Reference"
Step 3. Under "Shipment Reference", Type in "SP-YOUR ORDER NUMBER (i.e. SP-112341412)
Step 4. Shipment Date Range - from the date you ordered and today's date
Step 5. Territory and Zipcode
That's it. I got 4 tracking numbers for my Drop 1 order (1 Order) and noticed that they havent even shipped yet.
Hope this helps some, good luck.
UPDATE: I found out today that after receiving 4 boxes from my first order (1 order) I still had 1 item missing. I did a ref tracking again and saw that another tracking number has been generated, meaning that it (tracking # on ups) only shows up when its ACTUALLY being shipped.